
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Treating Trauma in Times of War and Peace
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Acupuncture gives hope to the survivors of trauma–even those suffering from PTSD.
It is common knowledge that the long-term sequelae of trauma can be devastating, but how many know there is much hope available in the form of acupuncture and other forms of natural medicine? Laurie interviews Roger Batchelor, DAOM, LAc, who has more than two decades of experience treating trauma survivors in public health and private clinical settings. Roger gives insight into how an acute traumatic event (or series of events) can cause chronic problems, and how these can be reversed through the skillful use of Chinese medicine.

Sunday Dec 31, 2017
The "Bladder Type" in Chinese Medicine
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
The bladder is the organ function that leads to Enlightenment.
Today’s show is a continuation in our cycle of presenting the organ functions of Chinese medicine. Heiner discusses how ancient symbol scientists described the functioning of what is arguably the body’s most mystical and esoteric channel network, namely the Bladder. It orchestrates the setting of boundaries, the storage of essence, and the raising of bioelectricity along the spine to feed the processes of mental clarity, personal evolution, and enlightenment.

Sunday Dec 31, 2017
The “Kidney Type” in Chinese Medicine
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
What did real “surrender” mean to the ancient Chinese, and why did they deem it to be necessary for a person to live a fully authentic life?
We’ll explore this question today, through the discussion of the characteristics attributed to the Kidney Channel Network of Chinese medicine. Ancient wisdom keepers defined the body’s root system as a type of “battery” for the storage of our core vitality, called “Source Qi”. In today’s world, we often fritter this core essence away—through a lifestyle filled with anxiety, too much activity, and the use of stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, and media overload. We stay attuned to outer interests and expectations, rather than settling into the natural expression of who we really are.

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Natural Medicine Works for Animals, Too (Part 2)
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
This is part two of our interview with Steve Marsden. You can listen to part 1, here.
Steve Marsden was by all accounts a successful veterinarian, but felt that his toolkit of drugs and surgery was too limited to reliably achieve the kinds of outcomes that he wanted to with his furry, feathered, and scaled patients.
Although initially wary of natural medicine, he was willing to investigate whether it could broaden and deepen his ability to help animals heal. He was impressed enough with what he found to seek training in natural medicine. There weren’t any training programs in veterinary medicine, so Steve became licensed as a naturopathic physician and a Chinese medicine practitioner.
Steve now runs a highly successful practice in Edmonton, Canada treating both animals and humans using a broad range of modalities. He has also become the internationally recognized leader in natural veterinary medicine education. His wealth of experience treating all types of conditions, including many acute and chronic life-and-death situations, has made Steve into a firm believer in the power of natural medicine.
Steve shares his well-earned wisdom on health and healing– touching on such topics as why the placebo effect doesn’t explain the success of natural medicine, how cutting-edge scientific research findings are in accordance with the classical Chinese perspective on the body, and why regulating blood circulation is the key to successful treatment in both animals and humans. Fascinating cases from his clinical practice are described to support his insights.

Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Natural Medicine Works for Animals, Too (Part 1)
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Steve Marsden was by all accounts a successful veterinarian, but felt that his toolkit of drugs and surgery was too limited to reliably achieve the kinds of outcomes that he wanted to with his furry, feathered, and scaled patients.
Although initially wary of natural medicine, he was willing to investigate whether it could broaden and deepen his ability to help animals heal. He was impressed enough with what he found to seek training in natural medicine. There weren’t any training programs in veterinary medicine, so Steve became licensed as a naturopathic physician and a Chinese medicine practitioner.
Steve now runs a busy practice in Edmonton, Canada treating both animals and humans using a broad range of modalities. He also travels the world educating veterinarians about natural medicine. His wealth of experience treating all types of conditions, including many acute and chronic life-and-death situations, has made Steve into a firm believer in the power of natural medicine.
Steve shares his well-earned wisdom on health and healing– touching on such topics as why the placebo effect doesn’t explain the success of natural medicine, how cutting-edge scientific research findings are in accordance with the classical Chinese perspective on the body, and why regulating blood circulation is the key to successful treatment in both animals and humans. Fascinating cases from his clinical practice are described to support his insights.

Saturday Aug 26, 2017
Your Body is a Sacred Landscape
Saturday Aug 26, 2017
Saturday Aug 26, 2017
Listen to the messages conveyed by your physical symptoms In our culture, we are conditioned to think of symptoms as problems to fix. We have our growths removed with surgery, our fevers lowered with aspirin, and our rashes removed by steroid creams.
While this kind of approach can have the blessing of alleviating our suffering, and even be a valuable component of our healing process, it alone does not address why the symptoms were there in the first place.
Heiner and Laurie discuss the importance of listening to your body’s messages about what is out of balance, and learning to make corresponding choices that support the movement toward health. Even in a state of good health, our physical form can be understood as sacred reflection of the inner working of our being.

Sunday Jul 30, 2017
The Cosmology and Symbolism of the Twelve Organ Systems of Chinese Medicine
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
This week, we open the door to a rich understanding that has come from more than a decade of research by a study group led by Heiner. Through excavation of the profound and timeless knowledge held in the ancient Chinese record, this team has uncovered multi-layered, symbolic meaning behind the system of 12 meridians that play a central role in Chinese medicine.

Saturday Jun 24, 2017
The Empress of all the Chinese Organ Networks—the Heart
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
This week we explore the Heart Organ Network. The primary function associated with Heart in Chinese medicine is to move our awareness in the direction of unity, and enable us to experience true community and connection. Join us as we explore how the ancients conceived of this fundamental role in our human experience, and what their insights have to offer us in today’s increasingly alienating world.

Saturday May 27, 2017
Why Classical Chinese Medicine is Relevant Today
Saturday May 27, 2017
Saturday May 27, 2017
Many ancient cultures had the practical realization that everything that exists is an inseparable mix of energy and matter, and is interconnected with everything else. In the realm of medicine, this means that every illness has meaning, and every symptom is a physical marker for the energy and consciousness that forms it. We can learn to read and interpret symptoms to understand the root cause of illness and find true solutions for restoring health.

Sunday Apr 09, 2017
The Inspiring Life Story of Chinese Qigong Master Wang Qingyu (Part 2 of 2)
Sunday Apr 09, 2017
Sunday Apr 09, 2017
In Part 2, Master Wang continues to recount the many traumatic and extraordinary events that fostered his becoming one of the most respected master’s of Daoist medicine and cultivation in China today. Join us for this inspirational journey of turning misfortune and persecution into a life of compassion and service for others.